Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cold front

Well there is absolutely nothing going on, other than the wind really kicking up and it being cold. Work is work....I was once again reassigned to a whole new set of responsibilities. We shall see if it is good or not.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

No walk

Well I didn't make the walk after all. I am in Chicago with my mom for surgery. She had it yesterday and all is well so far. Dad is dealing with it all in stride as well. For the next couple of weeks I will be helping them out. I sure miss my pup!!! Next year will have to be the year, and maybe I will go to some totally different city. I would love to go out west, and be on a team. On the bright side, i was able to raise $1100 for breast cancer. Yesterday I met a fellow knitter, who was waiting for her husband. He was being treated for breast cancer, and using one of those robots for the surgery. Technology is so advanced now, it is amazing.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Team of 1

My teammate bailed on me yesterday. It was kind of a surprise but not. I am still bound and determined to do this, because with the Fibromyalgia who knows what next year will bring. I hope that I learn to manage it, and less flair ups. We shall see....I need the challenge and 60 miles will be. I can't wait to take pictures, and make new friends!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Set backs AGAIN

Alright, totally frustrated with this Fibromyalgia stuff.....the Lyrica was working, now its not or something else is going on in my body to aggravate it. The doctor has tried me on Celebrex, and now off of that and on some corticoid steroid pack for a week. I have been off of work the past couple days, just getting to go in and give it a try this afternoon. Anyone ever have a day where you could be somewhere else? It would be great to be on a warm, sunny beach right now...soaking up the sun and not having to move. We can dream right :)

Til later

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Nothing new to report

I still love my shoes.This weekend was restful. I did lots of baking, cleaning, and sleeping. The pup managed to help himself to some sugar cookies, which he enjoyed :) Now he is sleeping away. I have a couple walks planned this week, but this weekend will be military duty again.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

More walks

Well the weather has been great. It is starting to turn into fall here, and I love the cooler weather. I am starting to put the summer clothes away and break out the light jackets and long sleeve shirts. This weekend will put in a couple ten milers if lucky. Will let you know how that goes, and share some pictures hopefully. Hope to hear from someone or anyone....

Tonya & Rommel (my pup)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Another week

Over the weekend, I got some miles in and felt good. Other than that was working on knitting, playing with the pup, and doing housework/repairs. I did get to do some flower planting and it brought back good memories of growing up. Dad and I used to garden and do flower planting together. The weather was terrific.